During the exhibitions
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 2pm to 6pm
or by appointment.
The gallery is showing a work by each of the following artists:
F&D Cartier - Andrin Winteler - Stefania Beretta - Thomas Woodtli - Anna Halm Schudel - Christian Flierl - Corinne L. Rusch - Nicolas Henri - Kostas Maros - Gabriel Figueroa Flores - Julian Salinas - Marc Volk - Nicholas Winter - Keiju Kita - Silvio Maraini - Florian Nidecker - Photographer Hal - Sonja Maria Schobinger - Corina Gamma - Yoshiyuki Oki - JocJonJosch - Ralph Dinkel - Beat Reichlin - Christian Lichtenberg - Maurice K. Grünig - Bianca Dugaro - Walter Derungs - Heino Heimann - Roman Weyeneth - Dorothee von Rechenberg - Beat Presser - Emanuel Strässle - Patrick Stumm - Fondation Herzog - Seb Michel - Luca Ellena - Erich Dal Canton - Zak van Biljon - Dafni Planta - Sergio Riva -
今年もGalerie Monika WertheimerよりPHOTO BASELに作品を出展いたします。
I am honored to join "PHOTO BASEL" again as one of the Galerie Monika Wertheimer artists.
Opening; Friday, January 24, 2020 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Closing ; Friday, February 21, 2020 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Open; Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 2pm to 6pm
or by appointment.
35 artists are showing their photographs at the 85th exhibition.
F&D Cartier, Andrin Winteler, Claudio Rasano, Stefania Beretta, Thomas Woodtli, Anna Halm Schudel, Christian Flierl, Nicolas Henri, Gabriel Figueroa Flores, Kostas Maros, JulianSalinas, Marc Volk, Nicholas Winter, Johanna Maria Fritz, Silvio Maraini, Photographer Haal, Keiju Kita, Yoshiyuki Oki, Corina Gamma, Joschi Herczeg, Ralph Dinkel, Christian Lichtenberg, Beat Reichlin, Maurice K.Grünig, Bianca Dugaro, Sonja Maria Schobinger, Walter Derungs, Heino Heimann, Roman Weyeneth, Dorothee von Rechenberg, Emanuel Strässle, Beat Presser, Patrick Stumm, Corinne Rusch.
Open: Tuesday - Sunday 12:00 - 20:00
During Art Basel week 2019.
My works from "On the frog and his life" will be exhibited with works of Julian Salinas,Kostas Maros,Keiju Kita, photographer Haal.
Open: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 14:00 - 18:00
or by appointment
Opening party: Friday 24. May 17:00 - 20:00
Photographer Haal and I are going to join on that day.
Open 10.4(Tur) - 10.6(Sat) 11:00 - 21:00
10.7(Sun) 11:00 - 19:00
詳細はこちら more information
English >>> http://english.taiwanphotofair.com
Chinese >>> http://www.taiwanphotofair.com
Open 11:00 - 19:00 (Tue - Sat)
日曜・月曜・祝日は休廊 Closed on Sundays, Mondays and National holidays
アーティストトーク 大木啓至 × 北桂樹(写真家) 詳細
定員30名(先着順) 参加費1,000円
Talk event Yoshiyuki Oki x Keiju Kita on Friday Nov 17, from 7 pm
Capacity 30 / Admission ¥1,000 /
※申込先/Booking: Gallery TOSEI gallery@tosei-sha.jp または03-3380-7123
『作家の頭の中見せます』ー本棚が語る作家の素顔ー 詳細
定員10名(先着順) 参加費1,000円
"The Bookshelf speaks about the artist." -You may find something through the books which the artist owns as his.
on Thursday and National holiday Nov 23, from 3 pm to 5 pm
Capacity 10 / Free Admission
※申込先/Booking: Gallery TOSEI gallery@tosei-sha.jp または03-3380-7123
11月24日(金)19:00~ クロージングパーティー
Closing reception on Friday Nov 24, from 7 pm
Free Admission
新しい写真集が発売されました。New photo book has just been released.
詳細はこちら more information
Japanese >>> Books - 写真集「Qualia」
English >>> Books - Qualia
Open 9.28(Tur) - 9.30(Sat) 11:00 - 21:00
10.1(Sun) 11:00 - 19:00
詳細はこちら more information
English >>> http://english.taiwanphotofair.com/
Chinese >>> http://www.taiwanphotofair.com/
Open 11:00 - 20:00 (Tue - Sun) Free Admission
Cocktail Reception : 2017.6.17(Sat) 14:30
Artist Talk : 2017.6.17(Sat) 15:00 - 18:00
"Beyond the Visibility" has been extended until 6 August.
詳細はこちら more information >>> http://www.1839cg.com/archives/5609